Samuan Tiga Temple

“Samuan Tiga” temple is located in the village of Bedulu, Blahbatuh, and serves as a place of worship of the forces of nature and ancestors.

It belongs to an old temple, because it was built in pre-history, passing through a very long history journey, so there is a possibility of information that is lost.

Such as that in one of the pages in the manuscript Tatwa Shiva Purana mention that during the reign of Prabu Candrasangka build pura Penataran Sasih and Samuan Tiga and Ilen-Ilen (Entertainment) in the moment of Piodalan.

Like Nampiyog Nganten, Sanghyang Jaran nglamuk Beha (fire), Mapalengkungan Siyat Pajeng, Pendet and Siyat Sampian. With the aim of eliminating sehananing Leteh (all filthiness) and cleaning oneself.

This temple is near Ubud area at the eastern side. Is about 5 km from Ubud and can used public transportation to go to this temple. This is the most known temple around Ubud and Gianyar city.

Samuan Tiga Temple map :