Konco Budha Amurva Bhumi

This Vihara is located under the bridge and there are stairs to the river under the bridge, where the river water is often used for events in the Vihara. The main sponsor of BLAHBATUH is Hok Tik cin Sin [Tu Ti Kong], under the altar of HokTikcinSin there is a tiger God, a cell ain altar Hok Tik cin Sin also there altar Ma Kwan Im and Buddhist Altar, to the move of Vihara Amurva Bhumi can be seen from afar, the location is quite spacious for a vihara, there is a small street in front of it to go directly to the building by the river , upper-rise buildings down. People who pray in this place come from various streams of both the Theravada and the local Hindu population and also the Tridharma people.