Galungan and Kuningan

Galungan and Kuningan day has a significance of thanksgiving for the victory of Dharma (Truth) over Adharma (Evil) through the blessings of Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (Almighty God). Galungan Day is celebrated by Hindus every six months or 210 days according to the Balinese calendar.

Many ceremonies in the temple on Galungan and Kuningan day. This is a short explanation about Gakungan and Kuningan day.

During every holy festival, Hindus worship the Supreme Lord in all His manifestations. There are many ways to do this, it can be done through work (karma). There is also the path of devotion (bhakti). For sedrams in pursuit of knowledge, this can be done by jnana. As for those who practice tapa, brata, yoga and samadhi, this is how to practice yoga in the family.

Whichever path you take, you will eventually reach God Almighty. This depends on the sincerity of the Hindus to choose and follow the most honest path. Whatever the path, it’s all fair. There is no road or disability.

Because the basis of going to Him is sincerity, purity, honesty and trust. One cannot forbid another person to choose this and the best path for himself, while for others he is not yet able to do it. Here one must understand the essence of the holy day. Again, that holy day is the best day for people to get closer and connect with the Creator. For the Lord the Creator is almighty both in greatness and in measure.


Galungan and Kuningan festival, for example, that Hindus in its implementation, of course, apart from the basis of purity, sincerity, sincerity, trust, as mentioned above, so in the implementation of Galungan and Kuningan festival, of course, suitable, extremely personal conditions, banjar conditions, village terms, regional terms, terms of each region. In this case, of course, it is adapted to the concept of village, kala, patra.

The essence means that no matter how limited the opportunities, means, opportunities, economic conditions, the activities of glorifying God Almighty and the feeling of devotion to God Almighty are not eliminated. The feeling of dedication is still the main thing.

Make the commitment that comes first. Because it is the path of devotion that leads Hindus to true victory and truth, that is, to be able to attain the holy world, that is, to be able to attain sukerta, attain rahayu, and attain the goodness of beautiful dirgha and dirgha janma.

Galungan day at the Temple

The Galungan effect is not for parties. Nor from frivolity. If this happens, it is wrong to interpret Galunga. During Galungan, Hindus are required to: a) show restraint. B). perform self-cleaning; c) perform charity work. d) carries out noble activities (has karma). e), doing good deeds (dhana Punya); (f) to worship and adore/pray to Almighty God; (g) sincere sacrifice or offering (yajna); h) performing sirna krama or visiting close relatives (dharma santih); i), perform forgiveness (ksamasvamam) towards friends/family (Pariparam) as well as the whole life (sarvamprani/sarva buta).

If the above things can be applied, then the effect of luxury, debauchery or splendor can be negated. Because that was not the main focus during Galungan. Also, all bad behavior (papal karma) should be dealt with as much as possible.

There is no time during galungan celebration where people forget to come, merajan, sanggah, kamulan, taksu, kavita, khayangan desa, khayangan jagat etc. At that time a sacred journey (yatra) was made to holy places. Because that place is a holy place. The resting place of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.

Priest at temple when galungan

At the time of Galungan (Buddha Klivon Dungula) Hindus worshiped Ida Sang Hyan Vidhi Vasa and all His manifestations (Prabhva Siva) as well as Bhatara-Bhatari, Deva-Devi and pitara and pitari saints. Because it is He who guides us all. He also gave the path of Dharma.

At the time of Galungan, the appropriate offering or upakara that was placed. Offerings of tumpeng, banten kurenan, bunjung, penyengeng, ryan, gebogaan and others are manifestations of Hindu devotion to true perfection.