Karangasem is popular as a region in Bali that offers such a large number of vacation destinations. Truth be told, practically a wide range of attractions you can discover here. Particularly for those of you who like wonderful regular landscape, attempt to come to Savana Tianyar Karangasem.

Calling the Savana Tianyar sees like the environment in Africa is absolutely not off-base. Besides, when you decide to visit this spot during the dry season. The perspective on the yellowing grass joined with Mount Agung out yonder, making it like a perspective on the prairies in Africa.

It’s simply that the environment in the Tianyar Meadow is absolutely a lot more secure than Africa. Here, you won’t experience wild creatures that meander openly. On the other hand, the landscape when the sun sets and the sun rises, makes this spot so mainstream among sightseers.

The area of the glade which is so near Mount Agung does for sure give numerous endowments. This spot is to be sure a risky influenced area when Mount Agung emits. Be that as it may, it additionally gives another blessing, as delightful view and rich soil.

Wonderful landscape with the foundation of Mount Agung, making Tianyar Meadow so mainstream among travelers. The individuals who result in these present circumstances place frequently invest their energy chasing photographs. You can get great photographs here whenever, in the case of during the blustery or dry season.

In the dry season, the breadth of yellow grassland offers an air like in Africa. In the interim, the view in the blustery season when the grass starts to turn green is no less intriguing. This scene is regularly joined with the nearness of a few ponies that can improve your photograph appearance.

You can discover the area of Savana Tianyar in the region of ​​Tianyar Village in Kubu District, Karangasem Regency. In the event that from Denpasar City, the movement time required is around 2.5 hours with a separation of 77 km. In the interim, the good ways from the focal point of Amlapura City is around 40 km.