Tamblingan Lake

Tamblingan lake the extraordinary natural beauty is a lake located on the northern slope of Mount Lesung in Munduk Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali. This lake is one of three twin lakes formed in a large caldera. To the east are lakes Buyan and Beratan, respectively. Surrounded by surrounding forest, the lake has a cool climate due to its location on a plateau.

As a natural tourist attraction, Tamblingan lake was not designed for modern tourism to preserve wildlife and the environment. The main attraction of this place is not only the natural charm, but also the many temples that preserve the history and development of Balinese civilization and culture, especially in relation to the formation and development of Tamblingan village.

The area around Tamblingan lake is said to have been inhabited from the 10th to the 14th century. century, a settlement located south of the lake around Mount Lesung. For some reason, the residents have moved to four different areas that are still close to the lake area.

The four villages were then called Catur Desak, which means four cities, namely Munduk, Gobleg, Gesing and Umejero. These four cities share a spiritual bond and have the responsibility and obligation to maintain the sanctity of the lake and the surrounding temple.

The name Tamblingan is derived from two Balinese words: “Tamba” means medicine and “Elingang” means memory or mental ability. Lontar (palm leaf writing instrument) Kutara Kanda Dewa Purana Bangsul states that an epidemic struck the people of this region.

As a solution, someone goes to the lake below the purified city to collect water for the medicine. Thanks to his prayers and spiritual gifts, the water was used as medicine and could heal the villagers. The words Tamba and Elingang eventually became Tamblingan. Visit this lake is a must for traveler when holiday in Bali.