Durga Kutri Temple

The place is in the village of Blahbatuh, Kutri. Here there are three temples into a complex, which can be visited easily, because it is located on the roadside of the highway Denpasar-Gianyar.

Now on the front page of the temple there are several souvenir stalls and across the highway there is also Local sculptor workshops. Not far north, at a T-junction is also able to stall right and drink.

Until now, Durga Kutri has successfully captivated the pengun, not only from the archipelago but also from abroad. The first temple is Pura Puseh, which stores the stone statues of the most beautiful Amoghapasa and Bodhi Satwa Awalokiteswara.

The Second Temple is Pura Bukit Dharma, which also has interesting florescence such as statue of Embodiment, Buddha statue and others. On top of this temple, as stated above, there is Pura Kedar man which can be reached by climbing dozens of stairs.

In a small building on the top of this hill, there is a statue of the goddess Durga Mahisasuramardhini which is a beautiful sculpture artwork and considered as a statue of the manifestation of Queen Gunapryadharmapatni or Mahendradatta, the empress of King Udayana who ruled Bali Island in the early 11th century.

Therefore, this statue is known as Durga Kutri. Besides that, there is also a twin phallus on one side of the square, a small Ganesa statue and a pair of sandals or Bakiak. According to the estimate, this sandal is the symbol of power of king-Er Langga.

The son of King Udayana his consort Mahendradatta, who was actually entitled to reign in Bali, but settled and ruled in East Java in 1019-1042 A.D.

According to the subscription, the specificity above is thought to have originated in the 11th century AD. In connection with this game village, it is necessary to note that during the reign of the son of Wungsu in the late 10th and early 11th centuries CE. There is a inscription that mentions “Ahak wungsu nira kalih bhutan lumah i buruan bhatara lumah i banuwka“.