Ogoh Ogoh

Definition of Ogoh-Ogoh and its functions. Ogoh-Ogoh itself is taken from the title averse-averse from the Balinese language which means something that is digoyang-goyangkan. In the year 1983 was an important part in the history of Ogoh-Ogoh in Bali, that year began to be made in the form of Bhuta Kala with the ritual of Nyepi in Bali. There was a presidential decree stating Nyepi as a national holiday. Since then the community began to make a manifestation of the later called Ogoh-Ogoh, in some places in Denpasar. This new culture is spreading more when Ogoh-Ogoh was participated in the Bali Arts party to XII.

Definition of Ogoh-Ogoh
For layman Ogoh-Ogoh is a giant doll that is parched around the village at the time of the night before the day of Silence (Ngerupukan) accompanied by Balinese gamelan called blegorganise, then to be burned.

Ogoh-Ogoh is a sculpture artwork in Balinese culture depicting the personality of Bhuta Kala. In the teachings of Hindu Dharma, Bhuta Kala represents the strength (Bhu) of the Universe and the Time (Kala) which is immeasurable and undisputed. In the embodiment of the statue in question, Bhuta Kala is depicted as a great and frightening figure; Usually in the form of Rakshasa. In addition to the form of Rakshasa, Ogoh-Ogoh is often depicted in the form of creatures that live in Mayapada, heaven and Naraka, such as: Dragons, elephants, Widyadari, even in its development, some are made to resemble famous people, such as world leaders, artists or religious figures even criminals.

In the English General Dictionary of the 1986 edition, Ogoh-Ogoh is defined as a diverse Ondel-ondel with a creepy shape.

Laura Noszlopy examined the “Bali arts feast; Cultural, political, and contemporary arts of Indosnesia “to the Arts of Africa Foundation defines OGOH-Ogoh as follows Ogoh-Ogoh is a large sculpture that is made of paper pulp and
Stickers which are usually made by the Balinese youth as a part of the annual celebration of “cleansing ceremonies”, which are carried out the day before Nyepi, the Hindu New Year or Nyepi day.

The Hindu scholar Dharma concludes that the process of celebration of Ogoh-Ogoh celebrations symbolizes human conversion to the power of the universe, and the time of the supreme, the power of it can be divided into two, the first great power of Bhuana, which means the power of the kingdom, and the second is the power Bhuana alit which means strength in human beings. These two powers can be used to destroy or make the world grow beautiful.

Ogoh-Ogoh actually has no direct connection with the Nyepi Day ceremony. Since the year 80, Hindu people carry Ogoh-Ogoh that is made one with the event surrounds the village by carrying a torch or called the event Ngerupuk. Before starting the parade Ogoh-Ogoh participants ceremony or parade usually do traditional liquor known as Arak. Generally Ogoh-Ogoh in the wine to an place called SEMA (place of worship of the Hindu before being burned and at the time of burning) then the Ogoh-Ogoh that has been parched around the village burned.

Because it is not a means of ceremonies, the Ogoh-Ogoh was partured after the main ceremony was completed by accompanied by Balinese gamelan rhythm that was named blegorganizer of statues made with basic materials of bamboo, paper, fabrics and simple objects It is the creativity and spontaneity of the pure society as a sense of the vibrant taste to enliven the ceremony of Ngerupuk. Because there is nothing to do with Nyepi, it is clear that the Ogoh-Ogoh is not absolute in the ceremony. But it can still be made as a complement to the ritual festive.

Ogoh-Ogoh function
The function of Ogoh-Ogoh is as a representation of Bhuta Kala, made by Nyepi Day and paring around the village at dusk Pangrupukan, the day before Nyepi day. According to the scholars and practitioners of Hindu Dharma, this process symbolizes the human conversion of the power of the universe and the time of The most awesome. Such strengths include the Power of Bhuana Agung (the Wild) and Bhuana Alit (human self). In the view of Tattwa (philosophy), this power can deliver living beings, especially humans and the whole world to happiness or destruction. All this depends on the sublime intention of man, as God’s most glorious creature in keeping himself and the whole world.