Northern Bali region is almost entirely set under the Government of Buleleng regency. In this way, Buleleng is the largest district among other districts in Bali. The boundary of the mountains that longitudinal east-west along the middle of Bali belongs to the Buleleng area. Therefore, Buleleng is a complete area having mountains, plains, lakes and the North Sea of Bali Island. Although it has the widest area in Bali, the area of Buleleng is dry area, especially in the mountainous region of West Buleleng and East Buleleng. A natural condition owned by Buleleng Make Buleleng can not rely on wet soil farming. But this situation precisely brings Buleleng as a plantation area for fruits such as oranges, cloves and coffee in the mountainous area while along the coastal areas are the institates of grapes and tobacco.

Travel Bali from time to time until the third millennium era has brought a scan to the region of Buleleng to participate in the world of tourism. The coastal areas along Bati Utara, especially the Lavina and Kalibukbuk areas, are the potential of the tourist residential area owned by Buleleng. Overall A variety of cultural heritage of Bulleng has a distinctive characteristic that is somewhat different from the cultural art of southern Bali.


Based on the chronicle. Buleleng used to be a maritime kingdom around 14th century. It is believed that Buleleng was founded by K] Barak Panji Sakti w

here he built his palace where Singaraja Is today. In 1814, Dutch sent their first military expedition, alarmed by the increasing involvement of the British in the region. Singaraja became the Dutch capital of Bali. Buleleng seaport was the entrance gate for those who came to Bali by ship. Tourists who visited Ball used to disembark here and then went to the south of Bali by cars. In 1959 the Province of Nusa Tenggara was divided Into three provinces namely the Province of Ball, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. The capital of the Province Bali was moved to the south that Is Denpasar leaving Singaraja as the capital of the Regency of Buleleng. 


Generally speaking, Buleleng tends to be less humld than the south of Ball. During the dry season, dry, hot clear days are the norm with the average temperatures of 82 degrees F (27,8 degree C). During the night a welcome breeze descends from the highlands. 

The rainy season is between November and March. The prevailing winds during this period are North Westerly, and intermittent gales can cause the sea to be choppy making It less suitable for water sports. Yearly average rainfall varies from area to area, depending on the altitude.


The beaches in North Bali are. In the main composed of black sand. During the dry season the sea can often give appearance of a large lake, the waves gently lapping the seashore. Coral reefs just of shore are plantifu I, teeming with countlesstypes of multicotoured tropical fish. These reefs, due to the nature of the sea, are easily accessible.

Most of the Northern beaches have no strong current or tidal waves making them ideal for children and those people who like to idle around the water. To the east of Singaraja towards Seririt, during the dry season, magnificent sunset can be witnessed, the old volcanoes of East Java providing a spectacular backdrop, appearing to rise out of the sea on the horizon. As darkness falls, fishermen In their traditional Jukungfdugout canoes) farout at sea lighttheir lanterns in order to lure the fist closer for netting.


Buleleng is one of among eight regendes in Ball.

Due to its location, It almost covering one third of the total area of Ball. Its border touches all regencies In Bali except Badung and Klungkung.

The regency of Buleleng is divided again In 9

Kecamatan (administrative region direct under Bupati which is headed by a Camat), Each Kecamatan is divided further into Desa (Village) headed by a Kepala Desa (head of the village) and Kelurahan (equivalent with village generally located In town) headed by a Lurah. There are 127 desas and 1 9 Kelurahan in Buleleng.

Same as the other regencies In Ball, each village in Buleleng has three temples as well; Pura Desa, Pura Puseh and Pura Dalem. These temples are known as Kahyangan Tiga and for the members of the village where they are situated.

Pura Desa, the civil temples where the main celebrations are held and where the Bale Agung Is located, or Pura Puseh, the Navel, the ancient shrine of the earlier days of the community, Pura Datem dedicated to the dead, out in the cemetery and Pura Segara is the temple of the sea. These temples are known as Kahyangan Tiga and are for the members of the village where they are situated. It is highly advisable to wear a sash when attending ceremonies or entering temples in short trousers.

Art and Culture

Throughout the world Bali is well known for its unique art and culture. It would be wrong to think you have seen the whole island of Bali without visiting this regency, the reason being that Buleleng Is distinctive and full of contrast. Many travelers through this region have agreed with this opinion. Watch the intricate carving, dynamic style on the walls of northern temples, humorous scenes on several temples carvings such as a Dutch man drinking a beer, armed robbery, an old airplane, etc. to make them more attractive many carving have been painted bright blue, white, red and yel low. The dynamic style can also be found In northern dancing. ‘Tari Teruna Jaya’, a popular dance with its dynamic movements was invented in Buleleng.