The number of inhabitants of Bali according to the census of 2000 inhabitants is 3,146,999 inhabitants, which are scattered in nine regencies and cities.

Four years earlier in 1995 the census recorded the Balinese population of about 2,904,828 inhabitants, and in 1990 had an increase of about 2,777,356 people, but experienced a decline in the year 1997 approximately 2,120,091 people.

In 1980 census, it was about 2,468,930 inhabitants. In the year 2013, the number of the Bali census was around 4,104,900 people (BPS).

Differences in features and potentials between districts and cities cause Balinese population not Evenly in all regencies and cities. Buleleng Regency and Denpasar City occupies the status of the region with the largest number of residents reach 17.74% (Buleleng) and 13.92% (Denpasar) from all the Balinese population.

In terms of population density, Denpasar city ranks first with a density of 850,600 inhabitants, namely the population of 532,440 occupies an area of 123.98 km2 and the second order is Gianyar regency with a density of 1,068 people/km2.

The lowest density is in Jembrana Regency with a population of 217,199 people occupying an area of 841.80 km2 or 275 person/km2.

As a community, Balinese people are tied to a myriad of social and cultural life by Balinese people referred to as the Tri Hita Karana bond, which is the obligation run a Spiritual Life (Parhyangan) as Atma Giwa), the obligation to maintain the area of settlements and land (Palemahan) as a Angga (body), and the obligation to have a life of society (Pawongan) as Khaya (Power).

The development of the Balinese people, is actually colored by the journey of culture and human behaviour that began in the period of ancient Bali, Bali’s Majapahit period, and modern day Bali.

The understanding of life consisting of the elements of Atma, Angga, and works, which are sourced from Hindu teachings, makes the pattern of Balinese life unique and flexible.

In addressing Pembahan era, cultural development and behavior of Balinese people from ancient Bali to Bali modem that is done well brings the development of economic, science and technology that is always combined with the color of local culture, so the culture of Bali then looks like local culture.

In addition to the community in various new groups in the profession, until now the people of Bali still firmly tied to the order of local culture tradition. Krama adat, color, house, Soroh, Sekeha, or group of Balinese traditions is a container as well as a form of real involvement of Balinese people In indigenous, religious, and cultural activities.