Bali at a glance.

Located in the middle of Nusantara area that covers more than 13,000 islands large and small. Bali with about 3 million people who are mostly Hindu religion has been giving the value of panting on the uniqueness of Nusantara culture.


Natural Bali with tropical climate does offer very beautiful scenery as well as an inspiration for the Balinese people to cultivate their cultivation.

Although other areas in Nusantara do not appear to be much different from Bali’s natural conditions but the blend of nature, customs, culture and has brought Bali to be very distinctive.

This distinctive Balinese face is then have a place in the eyes of the perpetrators and cultural observers and tourists in foreign countries.

No doubt since the contact with the outside areas of Bali and abroad, especially during the Dutch colonization, Bali became a lip among lovers of eastern culture.

Entering the mid-decade of 1960, when the operation of Bali Beach Hotel, Bali grew into a major tourist destination in Indonesia even in Asia. Bali’s economy is definitely increasingly stretched towards a better direction.

Along with that, Religious and cultural life is increasingly marbling so that Bali’s tourism and culture become a cause of consequence that brings Bali to be favored by tourists.

Historical records show that Bali is a deposition and the ultimate goal of the travel and cultural period of Majapahit. The combination of local Balinese wisdom with Majapahit era Javanese culture is a unique Balinese Hindu culture.

Being in the midst of the ranks of the islands along the eastern strands of Nusantara, with the uniqueness of the culture, Bali was then often referred to as Nusa Ning Nusa or the island among thousands of islands.

Balinese Kharisma, now, does not is only the goal of capital development but still radiates the appeal of inner enlightenment.


Bali is a small island, barely visible in the world map, consisting of the largest is the island of Bali, and some small islands around it include Menjangan Island in Buleleng District, Serangan Island in the city of Denpasar, Nusa Penida Island, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan in Klungkung regency.

With an area of 5,632 square kilometers and a beach length of 529 kilometers, the Bali island is inhabited by locals and migrants about 3 million people with a density of 517 people/kilometers Square scattered in 8 districts and 1 city.

The largest inland area is the Buleleng Regency, in northern Bali, with an area of 1.365.88 km2 or approximately 24.25% of the area of Bali. Geographically, Bali province is located between 8 ° 03 ‘ 40 “-8 ° 50 ‘ 48” South latitude and 114 ° 25 ‘ 53 ‘-115 ° 42 ‘ 40 ‘ East longitude.

Selat Bali restricts Bali with the island of Java to the West and Lombok Strait restricts Bali with the island of Lombok in the east while the Indonesian ocean restricts Bali on the south side and the Java Sea in the north.

The nature of Bali Island is unique because it is divided into two parts north and south by the mountain range in the Stretches from the western end to the eastern end. Two of these mountains are volcanoes, namely Mount Batur (1.717 m) and Gunung Agung (3.140 m).

In the area of Bali Plateau there are 4 lakes, each lake Batur (1,607 Ha), Lake Beratan (375.60 Ha), Lake Buyan (336 Ha), and Lake Tamblingan (110 Ha).

Apart from groundwater sources, from 4 lakes This is the need for a partanian water and the daily needs of the Balinese are fulfilled through more than 200 rivers that flow towards the sea. The river is sourced from the 4 lakes, such as Rivers Unda, Ayung, Petanu, and other large rivers mostly flows towards South Bali.

As with other regions in Indonesia, Bali is a tropical climates influenced by the season winds that change every 6 months with the dry season in April-October and the rainy season in October-April. The rainfall on the island of Bali is between 1,250 mm to 3,000 mm per Talhun while the monthly temperature moves between 22 °c to 28.7 °c with a wind speed of around 34 km/h to 14km/h.


Tropical Bali climate with a turnover of 2 seasons on each year and a range of mountains from the west End to the eastern end in the middle of the island “Bali Manmake Bali as a fertile enough area. Various types of tropical plants can grow well ranging from the cold Mountain land to the plains land in the hot beach area.

Air temperatures varying between 22 °c and 28.7 °c with humidity ranging from 60% in the karing season and 100% in the rainy season may bring influence on the fertility rate of various types of tropical plants that grow in Bali.

The daily life of Hindu people in “Bali that always be conjoined with various ceremonies cause the use of plant elements is relatively high. Elements of the leaves and fruit of coconuts, bananas, fruits as well as various types of flowers is a kind of plant high enough to use in daily life. Some types of fruits such as salak and oranges for example besides very popular used as offerings, even being a primadona Bali fruit in the archipelago region.

In addition to the beach areas around Bali, the area of Jembrana in West Bali is the biggest supplier of coconut region Bali while the fruits and flowers are widely supplied from mountainous areas such as Bedugul, Bangli and Badung.

North types of plants that are found in almost a number of areas of Bali are more widely used as building materials. Rayu Kwanitan, a type of wood that is common wood building materials used as building construction Bali.

Bali is strong with the implementation of the ceremony, in addition to using plants and plants, also use some types of animals as a complement ceremony.

Chickens, pigs, and ducks are the most widely used animals in different types of ceremonies. The use of other types of animals, especially the types of animals that are slow breeding, is generally required for large ceremonies at the level of Bhuta Yadnya Tawur which its implementation periodically in the span of more than five years.

Tiger, for example, is only used in the ceremony of Eka Dasa Rudra every 100 years.

In terms of the potential of fauna, Bali has a beautiful form of Bali starling that is very rare and ‘ the population is very low even tend to shrink. In addition to its habitat in West Bali National Park area which is increasingly driven by the development of residential and pollution, theft and smuggling action is the cause of the diminishing population of “Jalak” Bali (Starling).