Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. SOLVED at CPANEL !!

WordPress is amazing for blogging. But this platform sometimes have annoying problem with error. When make an articles and then we need to add a picture to the post and the error text showed and no picture insert to the post. That is so annoying and make a bad mood to continuing making articles. Here  I want to share the secret and the method to resolved the problem and most 98% is solved.

Can’t add picture to the post can happen because of file permission on the public_html. Here is how to solved it.first open and login to your domain cPanel dashboard. Open the “file manager” and select “public_html” search for your WordPress installation folder (wp) and open “wp-content”

next select right click at the mouse and select “change permission” and make a value 755 and click “change permission” tab to save. now try it and check if the problem is solved.

Change the permalinks
If not solved try the second option. Enter and login to your WordPress dashboard and update the permalinks. Now try and check if the problem is solved.

If the problem not solved you can try the last attempt to fix this. The method is the most advanced and the most secret and been hidden so many years and been known by professional webmaster only. Here I will share with you.

Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. If this can’t add image to the post problem still happen even you have been uninstalling your WordPress and reset your hosting. Use this secret method. First enter to your cPanel and follow the instruction.

The errors encountered can be fixed by disabling the modsecurity feature in cPanel. The method:

1. Login To cPanel and find the security menu on the cPanel dashboard.
2. Go to modsecurity and click it.

modsecurity 23. Disable modsecurity on your domain WordPress site, or if you have only 1 domain just click disable.

Now try to insert picture to your post and it must insert normally.  Check if your site is back to normal. and no “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response” problem showed again. Hope this articles help to solved your WordPress problem. Happy writing !!